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WATERwatah (3 of 4).jpg

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emily baxter

emily baxter


emily baxter

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WATERwatahWATA (1 of 2).jpg

Trained in analogue film photography and darkroom techniques, Emily has developed a style that emphasizes the love of movement and light by adapting her training to the digital realm. Her understanding of art psychology has allowed her to harness the power of digital media to capture fleeting moments and raw emotion.

Emily has also been trained in video production, studio lighting, audio processing and graphic design. This has enabled her to document stories and produce stunning visuals.





Operating on the traditional territories of the T’Sou-ke and Scia’new Nations whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.


Se gère dans les territoires traditionnels des peuples T'Sou-ke et Scia'new Nations dont les relations historiques avec la terre continuent à ce jour.

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